PBbase online meeting – Topic: Citizen Activation for PB, 30th September 2021, 1:30-3 pm CET
PBbase is a network created by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme EmPaci (Empowering Participatory Budgeting in the Baltic Sea Region) with the aim to share information and experiences regarding the implementation of participatory budgeting in different local settings.
In the open meeting on 30th September 2021, we seek to discuss different ways to activate citizens. First, representatives of the administration of a small town in Germany share their experiences on how to cooperate with a local NGO as a promoter and facilitator of the PB process. Second, the tool “Customer Journey” is presented as an alternative to collect new ideas to reach different groups of citizens. In the following, all participants together have the chance to create a customer journey for a specific citizen group.
Timetable for the event:
1:30 pm Welcome and introduction to the EmPaci project & PB base network
1:40 pm Experiences of PB in Bützow: Involvement of a local NGO and presentation of PB in schools
2:00 pm Applying a Customer Journey Tool for PB Design
2:20 pm Creation of Customer Journeys: Break-out rooms with participants
2:55 pm Summary & Goodbye
Please register for this event: