PB Research afternoon May 26th 2021, Zoom
The event acted as an opportunity to discuss research related to participatory budgeting and to talk about different experiences regarding participatory budgeting projects conducted in Finland. The research presented in the event focused on the evaluative element of participatory budgeting research and the participation of young people in different participatory budgeting projects. Participatory budgeting experiences form cities and municipalities such as Tampere, Turku, Helsinki and Tuusula were also shared during the event.
Timetable for the event:
13- The opening of the event
13.10- Participatory budgeting in evaluative studies – notes/observations from Lahti and Riihimäki, Lotta-Maria Sinervo, Tampere University
13.30- Participation in Helsinki’s OmaStadi-process, Mikko Rask, University of Helsinki
13.50- A comment from Katja Repo, Municipality of Tuusula
14.00-14.15 Break
14.15- The facilitators’ views on participatory budgeting focused on young people - case Masseista Mahiksia, Pauliina Lehtonen, Tampere University
14.35- Youth participation in Helsinki’s Ruutibudjetti, Georg Boldt, University of Helsinki
14.55- A comment from Anni-Reetta Sorell, The city of Turku
15.05-15.30 Time for discussion