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Kick off meeting, 27-28 March 2019 in Rostock

The first meeting of the EmPaci project team was held from 27-28 March 2019 at the premises of University of Rostock/Germany, i.e. the lead partner. Each of the partners send at least one person as representative to the meeting. This means that 18 persons from the 14 partners from 5 countries attended the meeting. In addition, a representative of ITMO University, St Petersburg/Russia also took part in order to discuss the potential involvement of Russian partners to the project.

The project was very proud also to welcome Karin Wohlgemuth, a member of the Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC), which is an associated organisation of the project. Mrs. Wohlgemuth also held the talk thereby introducing UBC to the project partners. In addition, also a project officer at Interreg BSR Joint Secretariat attended the meeting and also gave valuable advice regarding project administration.

The kick-off meeting was used in order to introduce our partners, prepare the status quo analysis, and collect first ideas about the citizen survey and the international network. The meeting can be seen as a first success of the project.