PBbase event: Evaluation of PB processes, 25 January 2022, 2:30-4 pm CET
14:30 pm Welcome and introduction of the topic of evaluation (Peter Lorson)
14:40 pm Evaluation of the PB process in Bielsko-Biala (Jan Sienkiewicz)
15:05 pm “PB Evaluation Scheme” to set up an evaluation (Hans-Henning Schult)
15:30 pm Open discussion
Organized by: University of Rostock
Moderation: Peter Lorson (EmPaci lead partner and Chair of PBbase Board of Experts, University of Rostock)
Register now and feel free to spread the event! https://uni-rostock-de.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Ivde6tqTgvEt1KhtyOVUuJbodwoefgP1PE
If you need more information about this event or have any technical questions regarding this registration, please feel free to contact: Hans-Henning Schult from University of Rostock