EmPaci-project presents: PBbase – Participatory budgeting networking afternoon 26.11.2021
The fifth participatory budgeting networking afternoon hosted by the EmPaci - Empowering Participatory Budgeting in the Baltic Sea Region -project is held on the 26th of November 2021 at 14.00-15.30 Finnish time (UTC+2). The PBbase-network is inviting all interested parties to join us in discussing the “Evolving nature of PB – towards sustainable practices”.
The PBbase -event is hosted by EmPaci-project partner leader Dr. Lotta-Maria Sinervo from Tampere University online on Zoom. A participation link will be sent to all registered participants closer to the date.
Please register for the event via this link by the 25th of November:
The agenda for the PBbase event “Evolving nature of PB – towards sustainable practices” by EmPaci
14.00 Opening words, Lotta-Maria Sinervo (Tampere University, Finland)
14.05 Evolving nature of PB, Kaisa Kurkela (Tampere University, Finland)
14.30 Developing PB with citizens, David Reilly (The Poverty Alliance, Scotland)
14.50 Approaching OmaStadi PB as an opportunity to learn, Kirsi Verkka (City of Helsinki, Finland)
15.00 Short overview on global PB practices by EmPaci, Ellen Haustein (Rostock University, Germany)
15.15 Time for discussion
The event ends by 15.30
Many municipalities and other stakeholders are currently planning or implementing participatory budgeting (PB) in the Baltic Sea Region. As PB is a joint effort, it is important to learn from others. Therefore we, the EmPaci – Empowering Participatory Budgeting in the Baltic Sea Region -project set up a network: PBbase. The aim of this network is to share information and experiences regarding the implementation of participatory budgeting in different local settings.
EmPaci is an EU Interreg BSR funded project called “Empowering Participatory Budgeting in the Baltic Sea Region”. In this Baltic Sea regional project we will develop and implement participatory budgeting in 9 municipalities in 6 countries (Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Russia).
More information about the EmPaci-project is available at www.empaci.eu, and the Finnish PB case examples can be found at www.lab.fi/empaci (only in Finnish).
If you have any questions regarding the meeting on the 26th of November, please feel free to contact:
Lotta-Maria Sinervo from Tampere University (lotta-maria.sinervo@tuni.fi)
If you have any technical questions regarding the registreration or attenting the event on Zoom, please feel free to contact:
Meri Pulkkinen from Tampere University (meri.pulkkinen@tuni.fi)